Category: Exam
When are makeup exams?
Makeup exams (excluding final exams) for those with excused absences are generally scheduled the Monday following the exam (unless that day is an Academic Holiday). The exam is usually held in JSB 361M from 12:30-4:30 pm. You must start by 3:00 pm to get the full time.
Can I retake an exam?
No, retakes are not permitted since you have already seen the questions. Note that there is a replacement option based on the corresponding section of the final exam for your one lowest exam. See the syllabus or here for details.
What if I will be absent due to a major religious holiday?
Information about University policy related to absences due to religious holidays is available at
Is bad weather an excused absence?
The University rarely closes due to inclement weather so students should make arrangements to get to campus in case of inclement weather. Absences due to weather will be handled on a case-by-case basis.