What is it?
- Piazza is an online Q&A message board designed for students and instructors. Students can ask and answer questions while remaining anonymous to other students.
How do I access it?
- Students will access Piazza initially through a link in the left-side menu on Canvas.
- After you have connected to the course, you can access it at https://piazza.com or through their mobile apps.
- There is no cost to students for using Piazza. You may be prompted to make a contribution but you are not required to do so to use the site.
What if I need help?
- Help is available at http://support.piazza.com/
- Contact your instructor.
Other information
- Students often share that they get answers to questions they didn’t know they had. Browsing other questions on Piazza can be useful to identify topics that you didn’t know you didn’t know.
- Students are encouraged to respond to questions. Answers that have been reviewed by an instructor will be marked as a “Good answer”.
- Posting questions on Piazza is often the quickest method during the evenings and weekends to get answers to general questions.
- Read through or search prior posts to see if others have had the same questions before.
- Please do NOT post answers to calculations or pre-lab assignments. This site is for assistance to help point you in the direction to find the answer, not to give you the answer.
- Posts are monitored and may be deleted or edited if responses are not appropriate.