Students have many resources for help but sometimes don’t use them for a variety of reasons including conflicts with office hours, being intimidated by the instructor or other students, not wanting to feel or appear stupid, believing that nothing will help the situation, or they don’t know what to ask. If you already knew how to do everything, you wouldn’t be in college in the first place. You’re here to learn; take advantage of all the resources and opportunities to do so!
- Office hours
- All general chemistry instructors hold regularly-scheduled office hours (see course syllabus for days, times, and locations).
- Office hours are when an instructor is available for students to ask questions and get help with course content.
- If you have conflicts with all of their office hours, send them an email with at least three times you are available to meet (i.e. Tuesday from 2-4, Wednesday from 9-10, or Friday from 1-3) so you can set up an appointment with them.
- No appointment is needed for office hours; just show up during the given time.
- Changes to the schedule will be posted in an announcement on Canvas.
- Many instructors have multiple students in the room at the same time during office hours. Sometimes you’ll hear questions you didn’t know to ask! If you need to have a private conversation with them, just let them know.
- All general chemistry instructors hold regularly-scheduled office hours (see course syllabus for days, times, and locations).
- During Class
- Students are welcome to ask questions during lecture or lab about the content.
- For lab, it is best to reserve specific questions about assignment grading to email and TA office hours, as TAs are frequently focused on safety and learning during your lab period.
- Lab Supervisor
- Generally available throughout the day and can meet with students by appointment (preferred) or on a walk-in basis.
- Available via email and you should expect a response within one business day, between the hours of 8am and 4pm.
- If you have concerns or comments about your TA, please contact the Lab Supervisor.
- General Chemistry Learning Center (GCLC)
- The GCLC is located in JSB 219 and open throughout the week.
- It is staffed by our TAs who hold regularly-scheduled office hours there.
- Drop in any time to get help from any TA.
- The current schedule can be found here and will be posted near the door to JSB 219.
- Help Sessions are offered before CHE 105, 107, and 109 exams in the Fall and Spring semesters. See the schedule here or watch for announcements on Canvas.
- Piazza is an online Q&A platform used by some instructors. If available, there will be a link available in the left-side menu on Canvas.
- If your instructor is using Piazza, questions about content should be posted there.
Campus Resources
- Transformative Learning offers
- Peer tutoring through The Study
- Integrated Success Coaching sessions
- Student Support Services provides comprehensive academic support for students who are first generation, low income and/or have a documented disability.
- The Department of Chemistry compiles a list of those interested in tutoring.
- The University of Kentucky tutor marketplace on Tutor Ocean.
- Online Resources
- The MathSkeller provides help with 100- and 200-level math courses.
- The Writing Center provides assistance with writing, speaking, and multimedia projects.
Study Skills
- Think You Know How To Study? Think Again – An article and podcast with some tips on how to study.